Aromatherapy & Spirituality

Aromatic essences have been utilized for ages to help us feel more connected to the world around us and, in fact, may even help us feel more spiritual.

A universal human experience, spirituality helps us become more in tune with the here and now, our inner selves, nature, or the Divine and God.

Since the beginning of time, when we have records of them, aromatic essences and incense like frankincense and patchouli have been utilized for spiritual purposes.

Every day at the temples of ancient Egypt, copious amounts of incense were burned as a tribute to the gods and the Universe.

The sacred aromatic herbs frankincense and myrrh were offered to children and the sick, and the burning of incense is frequently mentioned in religious scriptures as a crucial component of sacred ceremonies.

Aromatic essences were employed for a range of things by the ancient Romans, Greeks, Persians, Arabs, Indians, and Chinese, including religious rites. Aromatic incense is still used by some religions during religious ceremonies in temples and on household altars.

How to incorporate a spiritual practice with essential oils:
Essential oils are now used by some people to stimulate inspiration, strengthen spiritual ties, and open the mind.

They achieve this by applying diluted essential oils topically to the body or by breathing an essential oil while meditating (i.e., the crown of the head, the base of the skull, or over the heart).

By removing roadblocks that prevent spirituality from reaching its full potential, essential oils can also help it indirectly.

For instance, unfavorable feelings may be detrimental to spirituality. The chemicals that are released into the air by essential oils interact with the neurological and endocrine systems and can change the levels of hormones and neurotransmitters that are involved in mood, memory, emotions, and cognition.

Physical discomfort and suffering can swiftly develop into a numbing sensory and emotional experience. The inability to find sources of hope, purpose, love, or serenity in the midst of circumstances that run counter to sincerely held beliefs can result in spiritual suffering, which can be quite upsetting in and of itself.

Peaceful essential oils can be inhaled to lessen pain perception and offer much-needed, calming relaxation. Interesting side notes: According to a scientific study, those who regularly attend religious services are more likely to employ healthy coping mechanisms and experience less chronic pain.

The following are a few of the essential oils that are frequently employed to foster spirituality:

For purification and cleaning:


This oil will always be first on my list. The “King of Oils” moniker is well-deserved.

It is a resin derived from a Somalian tree. A well-known spiritual oil with connections to the crown and root chakras is frankincense.

It helps one connect with their intuition and open their third eye. It serves as a shield, protecting us from harm, and is ideal for reducing anxiety and stress so that we can concentrate on our inward work.

Our inner truth is revealed, and it asks us to let go of lower vibrations.

Sandwood is frequently referred to as the oil of piety. Sandalwood is traditionally used to make mala beads since it is regarded as a holy tree.

Sandalwood teaches us devotion to a higher source, which can help with meditation and spirituality (whatever that may be for you.)

It is supremely relaxing and centered, ideal for reflection and meditation. To truly hear what is to be heard on our spiritual path, the mind needs to be quieted.

This is a fantastic one to overcome beliefs and advance.

Lavender is a favorite of many people and has so many uses! It is a communication oil and is linked to speaking one’s truth and the throat chakra.

Lavender is incredibly peaceful and can be used to soothe the mind and help us open up during any spiritual activity, such as ritual, meditation, etc.

Additionally, it works well for preparing for spiritual activity and can improve harmony between the lower and upper chakras.

When used for meditation, it helps us go even further and enter our flow more gracefully and easily.

Here are a few ideas for applying your oils:

Before or during your meditation, writing, or other spiritual activity, diffuse these.

Use them on parts of the body like the back of the neck, the third eye, or other chakra points.

To carry the power of oils with you everywhere you go, wear diffuser jewelry.

I’m hoping that this little introduction to these oils motivates you to learn more and give them a try.

Various essential oils for spiritual practices are listed below:

For centering, serenity, and inward concentration:

Jasmine, cedarwood, cinnamon, cypress, sage, patchouli, palo santo, pine, sandalwood, frankincense, and lavender are some of the scents used in this blend.

For meditation and enlightenment:

Tea tree, cypress, lavender, frankincense, rose, guggul, myrrh, palo santo, sandalwood, and red cedar are some of the other essential oils.

For re-establishing a spiritual connection in any circumstance:

neroli, lavender, myrtle, sandalwood, frankincense, balsam fir, frankincense, ginger, and rosemary.

Essential oils for detoxifying and cleaning the area

citrus, juniper berry, peppermint, cedarwood, and frankincense.

Use of essential oils in grounding exercises

Rose, frankincense, and chamomile

The conclusion

Considering your health holistically, it is impossible to change one of its four pillars—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—without also affecting the others. For those who want to be at their most vibrant, spirituality is an essential component of general well-being that cannot be ignored. You could need essential oils if you want to advance your holistic wellness.



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